We Got Robbed While Camping (Twice!)
Camping Adventures: Surviving Wildlife Encounters.
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Alright, fellow adventurers, gather ’round for a tale that’s wilder than a baboon on a sugar rush! This story at Ihaha has garnered so much curiosity that it deserves its own spotlight. So, fasten your seatbelts for this rollercoaster of a true story (no animals or humans were harmed, though some egos might have taken a hit).
Robbers 1 for the day
It all began after a rather uneventful game drive (pro tip: always stick to the river route). We rolled back into camp, parched and famished, ready to unwind. But as we pulled in, we were greeted by a scene straight out of The Italian Job—baboon edition! A troop of sneaky baboons had pulled off a heist, targeting our stash of compressed grapeseed logs. The bigger baboons were like the masterminds, passing logs to the smaller ones in a flawless operation that would’ve made Michael Caine proud. By the time we leaped out of the car to chase them off, most of the logs were gone. We managed to salvage a few, but our firewood stash was definitely feeling the pinch!
Next on the agenda? Grab the chairs, crack open some cold beers (or sodas for the kids), and enjoy the sight of elephants meandering to the river. Pure bliss!
Once the baboons had cleared out, we thought we were safe. Big mistake. After soaking in the sunset and the serenity, we turned our attention to dinner. The menu? Garlic fried rice and Worcester Salt Chicken Drumsticks—a family favorite and, apparently, a hit with the local wildlife.
Robber 2 for the day
With the fire blazing, fueled by the remnants of our grapeseed logs (thanks, baboons), and the chicken grilling, things seemed back on track. That is, until the real bandit of the evening showed up—a honeybadger! At first, we saw him sniffing around the dustbin, minding his own business. “Look, a honeybadger!” I exclaimed, thinking it was a rare sighting. I should’ve known better. Like something out of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Unattended Trashcan, the moment I mentioned it, the little rascal locked onto our camp like a treasure hunter, changing course with laser focus.

Like a seasoned pro, he bypassed the trash and zeroed in on our plates. In a split-second decision, I hustled the family into the rooftop tent while I stood my ground. And boy, was he determined! Without so much as a “how do you do,” he helped himself to our chicken and rice, making quick work of the nearest plate. Now, I’ve seen videos of lions backing down from these guys, so I wasn’t about to wrestle over dinner.
By the time he polished off the first plate, I had grabbed the rest of the food and, in a desperate bid to lure him away, placed the plates by the dustbin. But this honeybadger wasn’t messing around. He zipped over, cleaned out the plates like a pro, tossing them aside one by one. Once he had devoured our dinner, he turned his attention back to camp. Ignoring our drinks (apparently, he’s a teetotaler), he sniffed around the annex tent—right where our Pro-active food stash, including chicken for the next leg of our journey, was stored. That’s when I knew it was time to bring out the big guns—or rather, the fire extinguisher!
Yes, you heard right. As part of our camping prep, we’d brought along fire extinguishers (because, you know, safety first). I grabbed one, pointed it at the ground, and gave it a good spray—not at the honeybadger, mind you, but just enough to create a fog. Whether it was the hiss or the cloud of white mist that freaked him out, I’ll never know, but he finally decided to move on. Crisis averted… or so we thought. We settled down with some baked beans and a well-deserved nightcap, feeling like champions who had just survived a wildlife encounter. Little did we know, our adventures were far from over!
Later that night, as we were all tucked in, I was woken by the unmistakable sound of crunching—our friend had returned for a late-night snack. This time, he was gnawing on a chicken leg that must’ve fallen during the excitement. Clearly, this guy wasn’t leaving until he got his fill!
Tallying the score
In the end, the honeybadger had the last laugh. While we ended up eating baked beans for dinner, we at least walked away with a story for the ages. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to never underestimate the local wildlife—or a honeybadger on a mission!
Got a “too-close-to-nature” story of your own? Share it on the discussion forum!
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