Lumeno Camping Chair - This is a joke with the time the badger stole our chicken.

The Lumeno Camping Chair: Your New BFF (Best Folding Friend) in the Wild!

Get ready to elevate your camping experience with the Lumeno Camping Chair! This lightweight and durable chair is designed for ultimate comfort, making it the perfect companion for all your outdoor adventures. Whether you’ve just endured a bumpy drive through Savuti Marsh or are gathering around the campfire with friends, the Lumeno ensures you’ll always have a cozy spot to relax. With its quick setup, convenient pocket for essentials, and padded backrest, this chair is a game-changer for anyone looking to enjoy the great outdoors without sacrificing comfort. Say goodbye to uncomfortable seating and hello to your new favorite camping buddy!

A guy with a laptop in his tent

Electronics and comforts

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Let’s talk about the secret sauce that turns camping from “meh” to “marvellous.” Picture this: after a day of epic road-tripping, setting up camp, and splashing around with the kiddos, you finally kick back, flip a switch, and—voilà!—your campsite is bathed in glorious electric light. This magical glow not only helps you locate the fridge for that ice-cold drink but also powers up the ice-maker for a perfectly chilled glass of wine with dinner.

Solar Panel On Top Of A Van

Powering Up At Camp

Alright, fellow adventurers, gather ’round! While some brave souls might opt for the full-on rustic experience with candles, gas lamps, and ice packs for the cooler box. Let’s be real—there’s something magical about flipping a switch and having light, a running fridge, and ice-cold drinks a few days into your camping trip. Technology has truly come a long way, and these days, harnessing the sun’s energy to power your gadgets is as easy as pie.

A dog sleeping in the shade

Shade, Dressing and Number 1

So, someone once told me that when it comes to camping, it’s smarter to deck out your living area rather than your bedroom. And let me tell you, in the southern parts of Africa, shade and privacy are like gold. It’s one thing to have a wildebeest give you the side-eye while you’re holding a spade in one hand and a bog roll in the other, but it’s a whole different ball game when it’s your fellow campers!

Sausage cooked on the open fire.

The Braai Utensil Bag

Ah, the joys of a campfire! There’s nothing quite like the moment you realize you’ve forgotten your trusty axe just when you need to chop wood or chip off kindling. Or the frustration of finally getting your fire going, only to find you can’t manage the coals for your “potjie.” To avoid these little camping catastrophes, we’ve found it best to keep everything together in a canvas bag that always stays with our camping gear in the trailer.

Patties on a braai grid

The Braai Equipment

Ah, the joys of being in the bush, where the only thing more tantalizing than the view is the smell of meat roasting on the braai! Can you picture this?: you’re out in the wild, and your nostrils are filled with that mouth-watering aroma of meat roasting on an open fire. Now, you don’t need a lot of fancy gear to get your braai on. In the worst (or best, depending on your sense of adventure) case scenario, you could just sharpen a stick and hang your meat over the flames. But let’s be real, sometimes you want a bit more than caveman chic. So, I’ve got a few trusty items I always bring along for those times when I don’t feel like going full-on rustic. Not that it doesn’t happen, mind you.

Pizza slice

The Cadac Safari Chef

The great outdoors. Apart from ensuring you don’t become a dehydrated raisin or a soggy sponge while out camping, the next big thing would be to feast like a king …or queen. Bonus points if a meal is hearty enough to make you and your fellow campers do a happy dance. Make space for the Cadac Safari Chef, the versatile little camping cooker.